
{T.evenire is Knocking}

I LOVE new gadgets. Especially the free ones!! The lastest gadget for my iPhone is ….
Knocking Live Video™ World’s First Broadcast App for iPhone

This app was developed by Pointy Heads. With this app you will be able to Stream Mobile-to-Mobile Video-Sharing for iPhone Users. This app launched in December ’09.

It is the coolest by far for the iPhone. It will allow you to eliminate the ‘upload, send, download’ process, you will be able to establish live, device-to-device connectivity regardless of distance.

Knocking Live Video creates an instant, device-to-device connection allowing one iPhone user to broadcast live streaming video to another iPhone.

Mobile users once got a call, an e-mail, text or multimedia message, they now get a knock.

Downside to this app is that there is no sound…but great for streaming kids performances to awaiting parents.

To download go to the app icon on your iPhone.

So open the door/accept …It may be T.evenire Knocking!

-- Post From My iPhone {Ms. Pretty}

1 comment:

  1. Hi Teras,
    Just came across your blog post :) We are working on audio for KnockingLive. In the meanwhile a great way for sound is:
    Step 1 - make call using iphone with speaker or headphone
    Step 2 - now knock friend = live vid with sound

    Hope this helps!

    Rajika on behalf of Team KnockingLive



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