
You’re Getting Married...Now What? Ring Insurance


By now I’m sure you have done the following...

1.   Told your family and friends the exciting news. 

2.  Changed your Facebook status.

3.  Pampered yourself with a manicure.

4.  Memorized your engagement reenactment pitch 

5.  Began picking a date/season. 


Before you start dress shopping have you thought about insuring your ring?

Whether your ring cost $500 to $50,000 it's time to think about protecting your ring.  

To read more on Ensuring your Engagement Ring.  Please check out this link from TheKnot.com  

The above ring a picture of the new wedding set my husband gave me for Christmas and I too am researching insurance to protect his investment.  

Borrowed this shameless plug from a friend {thanks Monica Jackson of Extraordinaire Affairs} ... Since you rang in the New Year with a Ring... Give me a Ring {404.622.9092}.

I'd love to hear your love story and design your Signature Wedding Stationery!  

Living Out Loud!

1 comment:

  1. Insurance is a must for any type of expensive ring. My sister was given the same ring when her boyfriend proposed 6 months ago and she lost it the day before Christmas. We never found it and found out he never had insurance it so she is out her expensive ring and is devastated. She is trying to save for it but it's hard in her situation and her friends has put together a fundraiser for it. But for anyone reading this, please get insurance on your engagement ring, it is so important.



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