
{Monday Madness}

As I begin this Monday..I am returning for a crazy week & weekend.

My little girls 6 & 10 along with my husband had the flu.

On Friday, my body began to weaken so my “loving parents” drove an 1 ½ to deliver me my mom’s “Homemade Soup.”

Well…by Saturday morning my Dad was admitted into the hospital with blood clots in his leg and lungs.

My dad is a traditional “Alka Seltzer” man. He is a non-medicine man.. He believes that an “Alka Seltzer” can fix anything. (from childbirth to brain tumor and after a while you will really begin to believe him too!)

Upon our arrival to to the hospital my family...my mother included.. We were informed by my dad that after a thorough web search..he thought his symptoms (that he had been experiencing for nearly a week.. swelling of the leg, numbness and pain) deemed it necessary to seek medical advise.

Thank God for WebMD.

Since my mom wasn't going to leave my dad in the hospital alone... She moved in too!

My sister and I were prepared to stay for a long visit, however, my dad informed us that he was not sick, he enjoyed our visit...but go home!
Ok Daddy ~ we can take a hint.

And I joined an Online Twitter Weight Watchers group. It is my goal “To be fine…In “09" and win the $500 prize! So when you see me and I’m looking kinda deprived of sugar (Hungry).. Just know that I’m on a mission!

-- Post From My iPhone


{Mama on the Move <--- Class of 2009}

In June my mom graduated from college.. It's taken me this long to blog about it because....I got the new iPhone 3Gs and in the excitement..I forgot to download the photos..
{Class of 2009}

{Mrs. Smith}

At the age of 60 she earned her degree in Early Childhood Education from Middle Georgia Techical College. She had been working as a "Lunch Lady {Head Cashier}" for 18 years and 4 months prior to her retirment in January. She decided to pursue her 1st love of teaching in 2006. Now that she has her degree and has retired from the school system she is a {part-time} substitue teacher. Huh? Basically she is enjoying the retirment life so much..that may work once a month. She plans on exploring other educational opportunities.

"You are never to old to follow your dreams!!"

{Me and My Mama!!}

I am sooo proud of my mom and can't wait to see what she does next!


{Technology Thursday<---Time Machine}

The Flu hit our home hard..Not only were 2 of my 4 children ill but my husband and {{{{My iMac}}}}

My iMac was suffering from a blank screen. NOT GOOD.. But thank God..I purchase {AppleCare} <----warranty program from Apple {my cost $169.00}.

Her appointment was at 8pm on Wednesday..all the way in Buford at the Mall of Georgia. Well like any good parent, I drove an hour to get her well.

Just imagine my shock when Dr. Apppleman {Genius Bar Technician} informed me that my baby was dying {she needed a new hard drive} What?? I did not backup my data!

Now~ that panic that I just experienced has led me to introduce
{Technology Thursday}
Starting today and on every Thursday..I will introduce a form of Technology that will save of time or money.. and even both.

Todays' {Technology Thursday} is for the iMac..

Set it, then forget it.
Time Machine works with your Mac and an external hard drive. Just connect the drive and assign it to Time Machine and you’re a step closer to enjoying peace of mind. Time Machine will automatically back up your entire Mac, including system files, applications, accounts, preferences, music, photos, movies, and documents. But what makes Time Machine different from other backup applications is that it not only keeps a spare copy of every file, it remembers how your system looked on a given day — so you can revisit your Mac as it appeared in the past.

What??? You are kidding.. Supposed on yesterday you accidently deleted an important file. Well, with time machine you simply search for the day and time prior to the mishap and copy the file to your computer. WOW..That was Easy!!
So guess what..As soon as my baby comes home..I'm gonna activate my "Time Machine"


{Skype <---Don't leave home without it!!}

Prior to our daughter going to college she received a laptop that had a program called {Skype}.  She was overjoyed to get the computer and the software. It wasn't until last night that I realized the greater value on this program. I was amazed that we were actually able to see each other in "real time.".

Wow!! Seeing her nearly brought me to tears. Why...I don't know?? I just saw her 2 days ago!  She has been using it since she arrived at school to talk to many of her friends in other parts of the country.  

The best part of this applications...It's {{{{FREE!!!!}}}

I am using Skype on an iMac and she is using a Toshiba laptop. There is an app for the iPhone..but currently the due to contractual restrictions..Calling is not permitted. 

For more information on this application and to download the required software..please visit their site at www.skype.com or click on this picture below.
BTW...I told her I'll be skyping her room nightly at 11:30..She better be in there!! ;-)


~ Post From {Ms. Pretty <-----iPhone}

{We Rock Six Flags}

Last month we took a trip to Six Flags over Georgia. It was our last summer outing of the season. My husband took this picture of me and my babies.

Wow!! I love this photo. Gonna be part of our Christmas cards.

~ Post From {Ms. Pretty <-----iPhone}


{Atlantan Bridal Magazine Launch}

Several months ago {maybe June}, I attended the Atlantan Bridal Magazine Release. This was an opportunity for the best of the best in the industry to preview the magazine, before it was released to the public. Here are a few photos to highlight the event.


{The Best of the Best Invitation Designers}

{Amy Osaba and me!}

{Celestest Couvillon, Publisher & Sirmantha Ellison}

{Sublime Photography}

~ Post From {Ms. Pretty <----- iPhone}

{Tiffany Inspired Sweet 16}

By the time a little girl reaches the age of 13 she is sooo excited about turning 16. Not all girls dream of a lavish over the top "Super Sweet 16".

Some girls choose to have a private gathering with family and friends. We had the pleasure of working with Brianna to plan her 16th Birthday Celebration.

She selected a {Tiffany Inspired Boxed Invitation}. This invitation was custom designed using Robins Eggs Metallic Paper.  The designed was designed to resemble an actual
Tiffany Box TM with their signature white satin ribbon.  We added an extra element of surprise for the guest by adding Swarvoski Rhinestone on her  "Signture Tag" and on the inside of the invitation. 
 Each invitation was had delivered and was loved by all. 

   {Cakes by Lameeka} designed the cake to match the The Tiffany Inspired Box.
This event was truly a dream come true for Brianna. {Since this was a private event, we will respect out client's request to not publish the intimate details of her day}

Cakes by Lameeka will be on exhibit this Sunday, August 16 from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. at the  Porter Sanford Performing Arts Center.   {The First Annual Bridal Show and Taste of Dekalb County}.  Please stop by her booth and tell her I said "hi!!"

~Post From {Ms. Pretty <-----My iPhone}

{College 101}

Today my baby {my 18 year old daughter} is leaving the nest.

We are moving her into her college dorm. She will be on her own. Wow!! Where did the time go? From the first time I held her in my arms, she has been a blessing to me.

She has developed into an awesome “Woman of God” and I am soooo proud of her. She has been my right hand and this is really gonna be learning experience for both of us. We have been attached since birth and we both need to “cut the cord” so that she can transform into the “Beautiful Woman” that God designed.

So please pray for both of us as we embark on a new path!!

~ Post From {Ms. Pretty <-----iPhone}

{iPhone Blogging on the Go}

I am overwhelmed with sheer excitement about my iPhone. Have I stated how much I love Ms. Pretty {my iPhone}? I have been on the go since the 4th of July and I have truly missed blogging.

Well all of that is about to change! As of today I am able to blog on Ms. Pretty. The app I'm using is called BlogPress. And it is well worth the $2.99 price tag.This app supports many platforms from WordPress to Blogger.

Below is an screenshot of my lastest post.

Hey....how did you get your blog post as a screenshots?

Check back another day for that information... If I give you all my secrets now..you won't come back

~Post From {Ms. Pretty <----My iPhone}


Thank you for stopping by Keystrokes! This blog has been my hearts desire and I'm grateful for your presence. Here you will find information pertaining to life's special moments via family + business. As a mother of 4 and a stationery designer, my life work balance has been a work in progress. However, I have successfully guided 2 out of the mommy nest. {{ YAY!!}} With 2 very active tweens, I feel busier than with the 4.

We know information that we share will keep the blog world buzzing.....but just give me credit! Content (text & photos) from the Keystrokes Blog may be reproduced, however proper credit and an active link must accompany any reproduced materials. Please note that the content on this blog are my thoughts and are in no way based on compensation.
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