So here it is...

Many of you didn't know but {{{I LOVE MARTHA STEWART}}} and am kinda of crafty. And I have been taught {by my mom} if you can't find something...make it. So today I want to show a table that I recently tweeted about.
The reason I decided to make my 4 legged table was because I tried several places to find the perfect table to hold my printers and to store my paper bins underneath. But I was unsuccessful, so I did what I do best and I made it. Enjoy my pics and videos.
{My Finished Table}
{My Video}
Here's my shopping list...
1 pc wood {laminated pine ~ 1x18x72 {ask them cut in half}
4 wooden table legs
Lowes {}
Home Depot {}
4 Straight Top Plates
Lowes {}
I could locate them at Home Depot
Drill or Screw Driver
Please note that once the wood is cut you can make 2 tables,
so instead of purchasing 4 table legs buy 8 legs and 8 plates.