
{T.evenire has New Look for 2013}

The last 12 months has been an AMAZING time in my life. Some of it was good, some was bad but ALL GOD!!  During this time I have undergone a personal transformation and what better way to reflect on this transition than to change my company with the new me!

Here's a peek at the new site!!

Check back for more exciting news!!!


Talkin' About ~ Thursday {Big Brother & Digital Media are Watching}

Last night while the 2012 Presidential Debate was taking place, I was drawn off task.  Yes, the debate was very informative, but the sideline chatter was louder.

Romney vs. Big Bird
Mitt Romney made a comment regarding PBS and set off the Big Bird Tweets and it went downhill from there.
Kitchen Aid offers Apology
Then I read the Kitchen Aid tweet and saw the insensitive comment that was regarding President Obama's grandmother.  The tweet was later deleted and smooth over with an apology.
What am I talking about?
Once you say or do something in real time {in person or online} it is NEVER gone.  Yes, you can delete the post, tweet or offer an apology, but in this digital age a screenshot, camera phone or digital recorder is DANGEROUS!  Word to the wise for all of us...  Be careful what you say, post or tweet…big brother and digital media are watching/listening!


{Tuesday Tunes ~ Climax Remix}

Today while driving I heard Usher's Climax on the radio. Or so I thought....after listening to it a 2nd time I realized it was not Ushers' song after all and  I loved it!!

{Deitrick Haddon's version of Ushers Climax}


{Life Happened}

It has happened AGAIN!! {It's been awhile since I blogged.} And if you know me, it's because {life happened}!!

Well, here's the latest...

I celebrated my 42nd Birthday with a {Style Me Pretty Soirée} and a trip to Vegas with my {church friends ~ lol}.

And the man of my dreams and I celebrated our 13th Anniversary as well as his 43rd birthday.

Our oldest survived her 21st Birthday Celebration {it was a 2 day event}. Our son has gone off to college {and no he didn't see me cry..which I did} we are for the 1st time {in house} a family of 4. Our #3 child is enjoying her last year of middle school. Did I mention she was a cheerleader and in the drama club? {talk about a HECTIC practice schedule} And our baby is planning her big event {10th Birthday Celebration}. This is a HUGE event in our home. It's where she enters into the wonderful world of DOUBLE DIGITS. This is also a time when she receives her very own tea set, so that she can enjoy tea with her own daughter/granddaughter.
Stay tuned for details.

While family life has been busy.. professionally we have been SLAMMED!! We have worked and are honored to serve some AMAZING clients. We have loaded some of our pics in our Facebook page.
{ http://tinyurl.com/8v3v8y7 }

And our trucking company has been a blessing not only to us, but our employees. Our fleet is growing and I'll share more exciting news soon.

~ Posted using BlogPress on my iPhone

DIY ~ Monday

Hey... It's been awhile since I blogged and I wanted to start off blogging with a bang!

So here it is...
Many of you didn't know but {{{I LOVE MARTHA STEWART}}} and am kinda of crafty. And I have been taught {by my mom} if you can't find something...make it. So today I want to show a table that I recently tweeted about.

The reason I decided to make my 4 legged table was because I tried several places to find the perfect table to hold my printers and to store my paper bins underneath. But I was unsuccessful, so I did what I do best and I made it. Enjoy my pics and videos.

{My Finished Table}

{My Video}

Here's my shopping list...

1 pc wood {laminated pine ~ 1x18x72 {ask them cut in half}

4 wooden table legs
Lowes {http://tinyurl.com/6snzjzc}
Home Depot {http://tinyurl.com/7bwcctl}

4 Straight Top Plates
Lowes {http://tinyurl.com/6prxwdl}
I could locate them at Home Depot


Drill or Screw Driver

Please note that once the wood is cut you can make 2 tables,
so instead of purchasing 4 table legs buy 8 legs and 8 plates.


Featured Wedding {Tamiya & Damon}

Today on a www.occasionsonline.com one of
our bride's wedding is featured.

{ Tamiya and Damon }
were married on 10.22.11
Flint Hill in Norcross, Georgia
Tamiya is an amazingly strong woman. During the planning of her wedding her mother passed. During our initial meeting she was such a bundle of joy and her strength encouraged me. It was truly a pleasure to be a part of her wedding.

Tamiya and Damon...I pray for that God will continue to bless you with love, wealth, good health and time to enjoy life!

Please enjoy the photos...


Thank you for stopping by Keystrokes! This blog has been my hearts desire and I'm grateful for your presence. Here you will find information pertaining to life's special moments via family + business. As a mother of 4 and a stationery designer, my life work balance has been a work in progress. However, I have successfully guided 2 out of the mommy nest. {{ YAY!!}} With 2 very active tweens, I feel busier than with the 4.

We know information that we share will keep the blog world buzzing.....but just give me credit! Content (text & photos) from the Keystrokes Blog may be reproduced, however proper credit and an active link must accompany any reproduced materials. Please note that the content on this blog are my thoughts and are in no way based on compensation.
©2009-2015 T.evenire..., LLC.
All Rights Reserved.

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