
Wedding ~ Spotlight

Fairy~Tale Wedding
Lakeisha & Tony

Venue ~ Pristine Chapel
Stationery ~ T.evenire
The bride wore two dress and was BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Here's what the bride said about me and my services on wedding wire:
I had a fairy tale wedding and wanted every little detail to be perfect, down to the place cards. I visited several shops, websites and met with several people. None of which offered the service, quality and price that I desired, until I met Teras. She was heaven sent and her services are the best I have ever seen! 

She had so many wonderful styles, colors, textures and designs; it was very difficult to decide on just one. She created my wedding invitations, ceremony programs, table place cards, individual reservation cards for the couple and menu cards.

Our guests and we were highly impressed. Our wedding was a couple of months ago, but we are still receiving calls and comments about the best wedding they have ever attended!

If you want someone who has unlimited skills, is compassionate about their service, provide outstanding customer service, provides quality products, custom designs and affordable prices, T.evenire Event Planning & Design is the place for you.


{Designer's ~ Spotlight}

{Wedding Colors ~ Chocolate & Cognac}
This Stationery Design is from the
 Simple Beautiful Collection
(Espresso Backing with Cognac Ribbon featuring the couple's Custom Designed Motif)

Venue ~ The Atrium
Photographer ~ KreativTouch

The bride wore a bird cage veil accented with feathers. 
Her hair was is in it's natural state and was pulled back to show off her beautiful makeup. 

{Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Whitaker}

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your Special Day!!

~ Post From My iPhone {Ms. Pretty}

{Organized Kids = Organized Household}

I know I'm often talking about my kids and our BUSY life. Hopefully this will help someone maintain order in their home.

We often treat our home like a business. Each child is a board member {which means that have stock in the family} and my husband is the Chief Financial Officer and I am the Household Executive Manager. {With lots of benefits!!}.

We have monthly meetings and emergency meetings that can be called by each board member.

We have schedules for our daily activities. And a chore list for each child.

There are those rare times when my kids' really don't like how I can make even chores looks soooo cute!!

~ Post From My iPhone {Ms. Pretty}

{Life On The Go ~ Documents To Go}

As a busy mom and business woman I often find myself sending hours waiting for my kids to finish practices {baseball, cheerleading, band and gymnastics}. Or I often have to send my clients information while I'm on the go.

I've decided to utilize my time wisely and add features/apps to my iPhone that will effectively assist me with my life on the go. The app I want to introduce to you today is...

Documents To Go. 
Documents To Go can be purchased through the app store or from www.dataviz.com. I purchased mine months ago for $9.99. And it's worth every cent + $$$!

Documents to go is the MS Office suite for your smartphone. You can perform many of the same functions as the desktop version. This app is very easy and a MAJOR part of my iPhone usage.

I've created and updated my clients timeline during the final meeting. I was able to update a spreadsheet while at the park. And I was even able to make changes to my client's contract and emailed it for my clients approval while sitting in my car.

There are a few requirements.

To access the file email portion you must have an approved type of email account. My aol account didn't work with this app.

Files are transferred through wifi, therefore, you must have wifi on your smartphone and computer. And they must be on the same network during transmission.

Please read the system requirements for further details.

Here's my eye opening tip of the day!!

*** This images shown were taken using the screenshot function on my iPhone.  Click here to read my blog about this feature.  

~ Post From My iPhone {Ms. Pretty}

Teras' Favorite Things

Have you ever accidentally washed the wrong colors together and ruined an entire load of clothes?  Well, I have! Actually ~ all of my 2nd grader's uniform pants were stained with a plaid pattern!  
Until I found this product in Kroger ~ And yes!!! It really works!!

Carbona® Color Run Remover
Within 15 minutes the stain was visibly present in the water and not on my daughter's pants. 
This is a must have!!


Designer's ~ Spotlight

As we enter the close of the 2010 and my busiest year {EVER}!! I have decided to introduce a new segment to this blog. 
{Designer's ~ Spotlight} 
This section will spotlight the events/designs that we were a part of and the ingredients to re-create it. 
But of course.. 
I won't list all of the ingredients..
You'll have to hire me to find out all of the details!


{A Final Goodbye}

After several years of trying to acquire my original domain name (www.tevenire.com} I'm finally going to say goodbye and move on!  (AKA ~ I'm out of business cards with the old domain name)

Have you ever put your heart and tears into something that you accidently lost. Well, that's how I feel about my domain name. If you visit the site ~ I HATE IT THE LOOK!!! But the domain name was my baby. 

Some person in Russia has bought the name and won't release it.  So today I release it!! I'm no longer going to check it or attempt to get it back.  

What do you have in your life that you are holding on to that you really need to let go?  Is it a past relationship, friends or old clothes? I have wasted sooo much energy on this fight that I just can't win.  

So here's to letting go of the past...so that you can conquer the future!


{Clean Your Keyboard Day!!}

I recently took a good hard look down!
{At my keyboard}

I spend at least 6 hrs a day at my computer (designing, eating and drinking). You can just imagine the amount of crumbs and liquids that are accidentally spilled on keyboards daily. 

I never thought that my keyboard could actually make me sick! But, keyboards can actually be as dirty as door knobs, money and even dirtier than the average toilet seat. One common bug that has been associated with a dirty keyboard is staphylococcus aureus, a classic causer of food poisoning with symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea. Stomach sickness caught from computer equipment has been commonly called "qwerty tummy" after the "Q-W-E-R-T-Y" keys on the keyboard. I guess I have been living under a rock. Because I’ve never heard of this type of illness nor have I thought about my dirty keyboard. 

After researching this topic I began a campaign to everyone I know.. 

{Please clean your keyboard!!}

Here are some Keyboard Cleaning Tips

Regular Cleaning: Tools you need – To remove the dust particles, periodic cleaning of keyboard is required. Following tools are helpful to clean the keyboard:

• A can of compressed air
• Dry, soft cotton cloths
• Cleaning fluid or isopropyl alcohol
• Cotton buds (Q-tips)

Regular Cleaning: Steps

You should turn off the computer and unplug the keyboard.
 In order to displace the grime, dirt and food particles, you should spray the compressed air between the keyboard keys.
 Gently shake the keyboard while holding it upside down. By doing this the dirt will fall down.
 To clean the sides of the keys, you can use a cotton bud and apply two or three drops of isopropyl alcohol or cleaning fluid on the bud.
 To clean the surface of keyboard you can again use isopropyl alcohol or cleaning fluid and apply it to a soft cloth. If some keys of the keyboard becomes unresponsive then following tools are required for thorough cleaning:

Soft, dry cotton
 Hand-held vacuum cleanser
 Cotton buds
 A can of compressed air
 Paper and pen, or a digital camera
 Cleaning fluid or isopropyl alcohol
Flat-head screwdriver (or letter opener)

Thorough Cleaning: Steps

You should follow the above four steps first.
You should draw the structure of the keys or take a picture of keyboard.
In order to see inside the keyboard, you should gently remove the keys with the help of flat-head screwdriver.
 A hand-held vacuum cleaner with lowest setting should be used to get rid of grime and dirt.
 With the help of toothbrush and cleaning fluid, the keys should be cleaned one by one. It is a time consuming process and requires patience to clean the keyboard.
 You should place them on their respective positions when the keys have dried. You may take the help of the picture or the drawing of keyboard. Although replacing the keys is the most difficult task but once you have achieved it, your keyboard looks appealing and cleaning also helps in preventing contagious and infectious diseases.

So the next time you use the computer (please check the keys..if they are dirty!! It's time to clean!)


{Wine Tour ~ 2010}

My husband is a {{{HUGE}} Oakland Raiders fan. 

And we are season ticket holders in the black hole {McAfee Stadium}. 
During our last trip we went on the infamous Napa Valley Wine Tour. 

Here are a few photos from our trip. 

Interesting facts

To get more bubbles use a sharp object and put a "x" in the bottom of your glass.  
Pour and watch the magic!

Glasses should be held by the stem. 
Holding in the middle of the glass will change the temperature and affect the flavor. 

Since I don't drink any form of alcohol.
 I ate plenty of grapes that I picked straight off the vine. 

~ Post From My iPhone {Ms. Pretty}

{Life Just Happened}

It's been awhile since I've blogged. Rest assured that all is well.

{{{{{Life Just Happened!}}}}

Photography by KreativTouch Photography. Thanks Julius!!

 As a wife and mother of 4 kids {sophomore in college, 11th grader, 6th grader and a 2nd grader} to say that I've been busy is an UNDERstatement!!

I have had the honor of planning several weddings throughout the Atlanta area and I plan on sharing soon.

Until then ~ Happy Monday!!


-- Post From My iPhone {Ms. Pretty}


Thank you for stopping by Keystrokes! This blog has been my hearts desire and I'm grateful for your presence. Here you will find information pertaining to life's special moments via family + business. As a mother of 4 and a stationery designer, my life work balance has been a work in progress. However, I have successfully guided 2 out of the mommy nest. {{ YAY!!}} With 2 very active tweens, I feel busier than with the 4.

We know information that we share will keep the blog world buzzing.....but just give me credit! Content (text & photos) from the Keystrokes Blog may be reproduced, however proper credit and an active link must accompany any reproduced materials. Please note that the content on this blog are my thoughts and are in no way based on compensation.
©2009-2015 T.evenire..., LLC.
All Rights Reserved.

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