
{God has given us a new day!}

The past week has been a difficult week. Two of our loved ones passed and we have traveled miles to be with family and friends. Even though the services were miles apart they were very similar. The both were saved men, trustees of the church are greatest workers for the kingdom. But the one factor that touched me most was the strength of their wives!!

These women demonstrated to we how a Christian woman is to honor her husband during the time of bereavement. They both pulled their families together and declared that we will see them again if we get our lives together.

That leads me to the topic of my blog. {God had given us a new day!}

What will you do with this new opportunity? Will you sit in angry or disbelief of your current situation? Or will you use the resources that God bestows upon is daily to change your destiny. Well, I plan to take advantage of what God has given to me.

For the non-believers ~ "if life gives you lemons...make lemonade." (Just don't forget the sweetner {Jesus ~ the sweet gift that God could have given to us}).

As I flew from Virginia last night I was in awe at the site of His Glory.


-- Post From My iPhone {Ms. Pretty}


{Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Priester}

I recently had the pleasure of branding the wedding of.....
Jaki & Damean

Their wedding was very colorful, modern and simply stunning!!!

From the custom designed stationery, custom drapery to the custom designed gobo, this wedding is one of my favorites!

~Enjoy the photos~

View from the Veranda

Custom Designed Stationery & Coordinating Cake

Custom Designed Gobo


This event took place at the
Berkeley Hills Country Club in Duluth, Georgia.

Love it!


{T.evenire meets Grace Ormonde}

Last month, I attended the Grace Ormonde Weddings
"being in love never goes out of style", book tour.

At this event I had the opportunity to personally meet Grace and her staff.

To my surprise our photo is featured on her blog and facebook page!

You did that ;)

Her magazine is one of my favorite's and the book is a "MUST HAVE!!"

I can't wait until my autographed copy of her book arrives.


"Fabulously 40!!!" and loving it

Today is my 40th birthday and if someone would have told me that I would be having the time of my life I would have argued that point in sheer disbelief. Well...I am loving my life!

I have decided to celebrate my 40th the entire year of 2010. That's right from January 1 to December 31 (my daddy's bday), I'm doing something each month for me.

I have shipped my kids off to loved one for some "me" time. And I have allowed my husband to share my moment. (Thanks babe!!)

In ever woman's life a new age brings a new change. I have changed soooo much this year I needed to be without kids to adjust to the new me!

June is the month that I am developing the new me personally and professionally. I can't wait to share the changes.

Thank you Jesus, you really have a sense of humor! As I write this I am trying to fight the tears...cuz you know that you have done things this year (even 10 minutes ago) that have had me laughing in awe at your GLORY!!


Thank you for stopping by Keystrokes! This blog has been my hearts desire and I'm grateful for your presence. Here you will find information pertaining to life's special moments via family + business. As a mother of 4 and a stationery designer, my life work balance has been a work in progress. However, I have successfully guided 2 out of the mommy nest. {{ YAY!!}} With 2 very active tweens, I feel busier than with the 4.

We know information that we share will keep the blog world buzzing.....but just give me credit! Content (text & photos) from the Keystrokes Blog may be reproduced, however proper credit and an active link must accompany any reproduced materials. Please note that the content on this blog are my thoughts and are in no way based on compensation.
©2009-2015 T.evenire..., LLC.
All Rights Reserved.

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