

As you can tell..I have changed the name of my website..because somehow my domain name expired..and some cyber pirate..kidnapped my name!!! What a jerk!!!! I am hotter than fish grease as my grandmother would say!  

But that is ok.. Just like my name says..we make it happen!  So.. I will beat the system!!!  My new site will be www.t-evenire.com and I am buying every link they have! 

Give me a minute to recover and I will {{BE BACK}}

{Congrats...Class of 2009!!!}

Well..it's finally here!  Graduation Time... My phone has been ringing non-stop..YEAH!!!! We decided to post these photos after many requests.  Although pricing is not listed..you may contact me to discuss your needs.

Oh! By the way!! I haven't finished my daughter's yet!  Hopefully I'll be finished by the time she returns from her Senior Trip!!!


{My Space} Oh I love my space!!

Well today I thought I would give you a glimpse of "My Space."

I love my boutique and I enjoy sharing my designs with my clients.  
I invite you into my word of creativity....Where there are no limits to what we can do..

Whether you dream of invitations designed with handmade papers, flock fabric or a pink satin box with a swarovski crystal buckle.   Or do you envision a simply beautiful wedding designed around your grandmother's brooch. 

We are confident that we can design invitations and events that will exceed your expectations...not your budget!  


{HELP WANTED} Only experienced Mom's Need to Apply!!!

We'll it seems like forever since I blogged..but life just caught up with me!  My oldest daughter is leaving for her 1st trip away from home in the morning..when she returns she will be going to her Sr. Prom.  then she will be graduating in 25 days!! My son's voice sounds like Barry White.. My 10 year old says she needs a bra and my six year old asked me to stop treating her like a baby (as she climbs in my lap)!!!! 

I think I'm gonna need some tissue....My babies "ain't" babies anymore!


OMB ---->Oh My Blog!!

It's been so long since I blogged..I have been extremely busy.. 

While I was away I participated in an awesome Bridal Open House at the Berkeley Hills Country Club (www.berkeleyhillscc.org). Thanks Angela!!

And I have been saying goodbye to old client and hello to new clients. It is often sad when we finish a project and the bond between designer and clients comes to an end..so what do we do? Well, we just find another project to work on.. Thanks D.Choice!!!  

Over the weekend I played a practical joke on my sister. I decided that it was time to plan her wedding.. Well! The interesting fact is that she is not engaged..dating or has a boyfriend!

So just imagine the shock when  she she was told her theme..wedding date..and future huband's name..  Above is her Themed Wedding Invitation, Menu Card and Favors..Good April Fool's Joke..huh?!?!?!


Thank you for stopping by Keystrokes! This blog has been my hearts desire and I'm grateful for your presence. Here you will find information pertaining to life's special moments via family + business. As a mother of 4 and a stationery designer, my life work balance has been a work in progress. However, I have successfully guided 2 out of the mommy nest. {{ YAY!!}} With 2 very active tweens, I feel busier than with the 4.

We know information that we share will keep the blog world buzzing.....but just give me credit! Content (text & photos) from the Keystrokes Blog may be reproduced, however proper credit and an active link must accompany any reproduced materials. Please note that the content on this blog are my thoughts and are in no way based on compensation.
©2009-2015 T.evenire..., LLC.
All Rights Reserved.

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