How often do you give to someone unconditionally without concern for money or your needs?
Every year Covenant House Georgia has their Annual Prom for Homeless Youth in Atlanta. We have been apart of this worthy event for the past 3 years. This year was the first time we saw the arrival of the kids. I was moved to tears to see the look on their faces when the arrived at the Atlanta Contemporary Art Center. There were no fancy cars, limos or waiting parents with camera in hand. These were just precious teenagers coming together to be a part of something that our children take for granted!
They even voted for King & Queen of the Prom.
Here are a few pics of the event.

Atlanta Comtemporay Art Center, Photo Factory Digital Photography, Q-Time Restaurant, Publix, Becca's Closet, Savvi Formal Wear, Cinderella's Closet, Georgia Engagement, The Family Atlanta, The Atlanta Blackhawks, Mr. & Mrs. Terry Nixon, Ms. Claudia Law, Dynamic Cuts, Pepsi, Arnold Padricks' - University of Cosmotology, the CSC A-Team and a host of volunteer.
If you would like more information on the Covenant House, please visit their website at
Next year I will be contacting local vendors to give the workers a rest.. with the help of Atlanta's Finest..I am confident that we will provide them with an AWESOME event!"

-- Post From My iPhone {Ms. Pretty}